SPRING Arrivals 2023 |
WANTED! Have you seen this bird? If so, let me know and I'll add it to the list. Past arrival dates are listed in red below. |
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Phoebes have been sighted in the following towns: Massachusetts: Waiting for April...
2023 ARRIVALS During the school year I am away from home on weekdays, so my bird sightings tend to be clumped on the weekends. (2009-2022 sightings are listed below for comparison).
Jul 31 - Prairie Warblers are beginning to wander!! Jul 01 - Louisiana Waterthrushes are finally back in my stream. Jun 22 - Rose-breasted Grosbeaks finally make an appearance. Jun 02 - First Scarlet Tanagers, Alder Flycatchers and Veeries. Jun 01 - Green frogs and bullfrogs are finally singing. May 30 - First Warbling Vireo of the season. May 29 - Red-eyed Vireos are back. May 27 - Green Heron finally spotted over the meadow. May 20 - First chipmunk sighting May 20 - A HUGE day! First observations of: Black-billed Cuckoo, Blue-winged Warbler, Cedar Waxwing, Ovenbird, Swamp Sparrow and Yellow Warbler. May 16 - The Blatimore Orioles have returned. May 11 - Common Yellowthroats and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have arrived. May 10 - First Wood Thrush and Gray Catbird of the season. The phoebe eggs have hatched. Apr 24 - Pine Siskins are here. Apr 23 - The House Wrens are back! Apr 21 - For the first time in my life I saw a flock of Sandhill Cranes...right over my meadow!!! Apr 18 - First Eastern Towhees and a rare sighting of an Evening Grosbeak Apr 16 - First Field Sparrows and Northern Flickers of the year. Apr 14 - American Toads are singing again. Apr 09 - Common Mergansers and American Woodcocks have been sighted. Apr 08 - Tree Swallows and Eastern Phoebes arrive on the first day...AGAIN!! Apr 07 - Chipping sparrows on the deck and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers down in the woods. Apr 06 - Turkey Vultures have arrived. Apr 04 - Spring peepers are singing. Mar 18 - Is that a Song Sparrow I see? Mar 15 - Canada geese are back. Feb 22 - The first female Red-winged Blackbirds have arrived. Feb 11 - The Red-winged Blackbirds have returned en masse. Common Grackles are with them! ************************************************************************************************** 2022 Arrivals May 21 - I just heard my first black-billed cuckoo of the season!! May 17 - First warbling vireo of the year. May 17 - 25th Anniversary of Speaking of Nature :) May 15 - First indigo bunting of the year. May 14 - A big day!! Brown thrashers, common yellowthroats, wood thrushes and yellow warblers are here. May 11 - Last sighting of a white-throated sparrow for 21-22. May 8 - First sightings of Baltimore orioles, ruby-throated hummingbirds and white-crowned sparrows. May 7 - Gray catbirds and rose-breasted grosbeaks are here. May 1 - First green heron of the year. Apr 30 - House wrens are here. Apr 24 - Last Junco sighting of 21-22 Apr 19 - Nautre has played a joke and sent 5 inches of snow, but Field Sparrows and Eastern Towhees are here Apr 16 - Chipping sparrows have arrived Apr 09 - THE TREE SWALLOWS ARE HERE!! I also heard my first Yellow-bellied sapsucker! Mar 23 - I just saw my first American Kestrel Mar 20 - THE PHOEBES ARE HERE!! Quite early, I might add Mar 19 - First Thunder of the year!! Mar 12 - Song sparrows have arrived Feb 22 - Common Grackles have arrived Feb 04 - Red-winged blackbirds and Brown-headed cowbirds are here. ******************************************************************************************************* The data for 2021 is unavailable at this time. ******************************************************************************************************* 2020 Arrivals Jun 3 - My first observation of a yellow-billed cuckoo in my yard. May 16 - Yellow warblers and great crested flycatchers are here! May 14 - Bigggest day yet! New arrivals include: house wren, yellow-rumped warbler, ovenbird, blue-winged warbler, ruby-throated hummingbird, and blue-headed vireo. May 09 - 34 degrees and 2 inches of fresh SNOW???? May 08 - A wood thrush is sining in the woods to the south of my house. May 07 - Scarlet tanagers and indigo buntings are here! May 06 - Baltimore orioles and white-crowned sparrows showed up. May 03 - A major day for migrants: gray catbirds, common yellowthroats, green herons, barn swallows and rose-breasted grosbeaks all showed up today. Apr 28 - Brown thrashers arrived during the night. Apr 25 - My first ruby-crowned kinglet of the year. Apr 21 - The chipping sparrows are back. Apr 20 - Eastern towhees are here. Apr 18 - First field sparrow of the year. Apr 12 - Is that...? Could it be...? Yes! The yellow-bellied sapsuckers are back!! Apr 09 - It's a terrible, rainy, windy day and a great blue heron just flew by. Apr 08 - I just saw a flock of Fish Crows fly over. That may be a first for my yard... Apr 04 - THE PHOEBES ARE BACK. I also saw the first Killdeer of the season fly over my yard. Apr 01 - Saw my first cedar waxwings of the year. Mar 26 - THE TREE SWALLOWS ARE HERE!!! Can the phoebes be far behind?? Mar 17 - Saw my first mallard of the season. Mar 15 - Saw my first song sparrow of the season. Mar 08 - Saw my first female red-winged blackbird of the season. Mar 07 - The first Canada geese and turkey vultures have appeared in the sky over my yard Feb 20 - Common grackles are here. Feb 17 - Red-winged blackbirds are here. ****************************************************************************************************************************** 2019 Arrivals Jul 16 - First scarlet tanager of the year. Jun 08 - A Barn Swallow just flew by. They've been here a long time, but this is the first one I've seen in my yard. May 27 - A pair of Belted Kingfishers just flew by!!! May 26 - And there's a Green Heron May 19 - A Black-billed Cuckoo is singing May 18 - A male Bobolink is singing from the top of one of my trees and Yellow Warblers and Great-crested Flycatchers are also here. May 16 - First Common Yellowthroat and Eastern Kingbird. May 11 - A gorgeous male Baltimore Oriole is here. Wow!!! May 08 - A Gray Catbird is singing from the hedge and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird is looking for his feeder. May 04 - A White-crowned Sparrow is on the railing and a Wood Thrush is singing from the woods. May 03 - There's actually a Pine Siskin at my feeders. Apr 28 - A gorgeous Rose-breasted Grosbeak is at the feeder. Apr 27 - A Killdeer just flew over. Apr 22 - A Field Sparrow is here.. Apr 19 - A big day!! Brown Thrasher, House Wren and Northern Flicker all make an appearance. Apr 11 - A Great Blue Heron just flew over the house. Apr 08 - Is that a Chipping Sparrow I see?? I definitely hear an Eastern Towhee :) Apr 07 - A fox sparrow is here, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is drumming in the woods and peepers are singing. Apr 07 - The PHOEBES are back. Apr 06 - Theres a Turkey Vulture soaring to the east. Apr 05 - 2 inches of wet snow. Mar 31 - The Tree Swallows are back!! Mar 30 - I heard my first American Woodcock!! Mar 29 - American Kestrels are here. Mar 16 - Canada Geese, Common Grackles and Song Sparrows have arrived. Also, a Mallard flyover!! Mar 02 - An immature Swamp Sparrow is here. Feb 20 - There's a Common Redpoll at my feeder. Feb 17 - Red-winged Blackbirds are back. ***************************************************************************************************************************** 2018 Arrivals June 26 - A gorgeous day with low temps, low humidity and clear skies. Migration is now over, but there have bee a few species I haven't seen or heard yet. Yesterday I heard my first scarlet tanager, but I'm still waiting for other species to show themselves. May 12 - High temp = 46. Low temp = 44. Rain all day. crummy day for birding. May 6 - The biggest migrant day of the year so far!! Wood thrushes, green herons, gray catbirds, barn swallows, Baltimore orioles and indigo buntings all seen for the first time.. May 5 - Yellow warblers and tuby-throated hummingbirds have arrived . Apr 29 - While certainly not the first sighting in the region, I saw an osprey fly over my yard this morning. I also heard a field sparrow today. Apr 28 - I just heard, then saw, my first brown thrasher of the year. A little while later I heard and then tracked down a chipping sparrow. Apr 26 - Even with the rainy weather the towhees have arrived. Apr 24 - The house wrens are here. Apr 21 - And now the killdeer have made an appearance. Apr 19 - Just saw my first American kestrel of the year. Apr 14 - Northern Flickers and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers have arrived. Apr 3 - Great blue herons are here. Mar 31 - Phoebes and tree swallows have arrived on the same day!! :) Mar 19 - There is still a coating of 12 inches of snow on the ground!!! Mar 2 - 15 inches of snow!!! Feb 22 - Grackles have arrived. It is important to note that there was a powerful string of nor'easters in February and March of 2018. This, compbined with cold snowy weather into April definitely delayed the arrival of some species. However, a brief break in the cold weather did retuld in the early, simultaneous appearance of phoebes and tree swallows on March 31. ******************************************************************************************************************************** 2017 ARRIVALS May 20 - Common yellowthroats are down in the meadow once again. May 19 - Great crested flycatchers sound loud, energetic and perturbed...as usual. May 18 - I saw a hummingbird today! May 12 - A great blue heron flew over the yard. May 7 - Wood thrush and yellow warbler songs are heard today!! May 6 - First white-crowned sparrow sighting. This is another bird that stays around for a week or so before heading to Canada. May 5 - Bobolinks are here. They always show up for a week before moving on to the larger fields down the road. Apr 29 - First rose-breasted grosbeak of the spring. Apr 28 - Three new species today: Baltimore oriole, broad-winged hawk, and American kestrel. Apr 24 - First woodcock of the year. This seemed a little late to me, but it isn't up to me.. Apr 20 - House Wrens singing in the morning. Apr 19 - Towhees and Chipping Sparrows are here. Apr 18 - Kingfishers and Brown Thrashers have arrived. The kingfisher was a big surprise!! Apr 9 - A BIG DAY!! Tree Swallows, Phoebes, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and Turkey Vultures all appear as the weather clears. Mar 25 - Song sparrows are here. Mar 5 - Early sighting of a pair of Killdeer!! Mar 4 - Northern Shrike. Feb 24 - First common grackles. Feb 15 - First red-winged blackbirds and I actually heard a northern flicker. Whoa! Feb 7 - First swamp sparrow!! This is not the first time I've had swampies here for the winter. Jan 8 - First brown-headed cowbird. ********************************************************************************************************************************* 2016 ARRIVALS It is important to note that 2016 saw the strongest El Nino event ever recorded. There was virtually no snow this winter and many birds (like red-winged blackbirds and American Robins never disappeared during the winter. I even had a male rose-breasted grosbeak in Jaunuary, but I think that particular bird never attempted the trip south and may have perished due to the cold that followed. May 21 - My first real day of spring birding and it was a big one. Veery, Red-eyed vireo, Common Yellowthroat, and Gray Catbrids are here. May 20 - Scarlet Tanagers and Yellow-bellied sapsuckers are here. May 18 - Wood thrush singing in the southern woods. May 14 - Great-crested Flycatcher singing so loud that I heard it inside. New birds seem to be arriving daily!!! May 13 - Northern Oriole singing from the crabapple tree. May 12 - White-crowned sparrows (3-4 of them) are still visiting my feeding station!!!!!!! May 9 - Barn Swallows and Hummingbirds have returned! May 8 - A rare and wonderful sighting of white-crowned sparrows!! May 5 - Saw my first green heron of the season!! May 1 - Chipping Sparrows arrived during the night. April 30 - Yellow Warblers have arrived. April 27 - House Wrens are here. April 26 - Towhees are back. April 16-22 = A week in Florida may have caused me to miss an arrival or two. April 13 - Brown Thrashers are here! April 9 - First Field Sparrow of the year (this seems really early! Thank you El Nino!!). April 1 - Phoebes are here!!! March 30 - Great blue Heron!! March 26 - American Woodcock and American Kestrels have appeared. March 11 - First sighting of a female red-winged blackbird. March 9 - Tree Swallows, Spong Sparrows, and Canada Geese are back. March 2 - Turkey Vultures are back. February 27 - Common Grackles have appeared. ****************************************************************************************************************** 2015 ARRIVALS Monday, June 22 - Everyone who is going to show up is here. Conspicuous in their absence are field sparrows and indigo buntings...for now. Friday, May 22 - Alder flycatchers are here. Friday, May 15 - My last sighting of a junco for the 2014-15 season. Sunrday, May 10 - Common yellowthroats, scarlet tanagers, ovenbirds, cuckoos, blue-winged warblers and great-crested flycatchers all arrived overnight! Saturday, May 9 - Male rose-breasted grosbeak at my feeder!!!! I also heard my first red-eyed vireo of the summer! Friday, May 8 - Wood thrush singing among the other voices in the dawn chorus! Thursday, May 7 - Great blue heron flew over my yard. I also hear a Baltimore oriole down in the treeline. Wednesday, May 6 - A BIG DAY!! - ruby-throated hummingbirds, gray catbirds, eastern kingbirds, and barn swallows are here. I also saw three green herons fly over my porch this evening. Also...last sighting of a white-throated sparrow for the 2014-15 season. Sunday, May 3 - Yellow warblers have arrived. Monday, April 27 - House wrens are here. Thursday, April 23 - Killdeer are here! (I know they've been around, but I finally saw one) Wednesday, April 22 - NOTE: juncos and white-throated sparrows are still here, but the tree sparrows left at about the same time that the chipping sparrows showed up. This seems to happen every year. Saturday, April 18 - First chipping sparrows and first great blue heron over my yard. Tuesday, April 14 - First brown thrashers and eastern towhees. Monday, April 13 - First spring peepers. Monday, April 6 - First song sparrow of the season! Saw a turkey vulture over my yard. Sunday, April 5 - First American kestrel of the year! Friday, April 3 - The tree swallows and Phoebes have arrived! (They arrived on 4/4 in 2014) Mallards are also flying around the neighborhood. Wednesday, April 1 - Woodcock singing and displaying in the meadow. Sunday, March 29 - Canada geese are back! Saturday, March 21 - Northern flicker on the porch! Sunday, March 15 - It has begun! Common grackles, red-winged blackbirds, and brown-headed cowbirds have all arrived this morning. Thursday, March 12 - Turkey vultures are here! ************************************************************************ 2014 Arrivals: Saturday, May 31 - The only regular species missing from my yard at this point are scarlet tanagers and eastern kingbirds. Tuesday, May 27 - First time I've heard a cedar waxwing this year. A common summer bird, but I never know when they will show up. Friday, May 23 - First song of an alder flycatcher. Wednesday, May 21 - First sighting (heard the songs) of a wood thrush, great-crested flycatcher, and prairie warbler. Tuesday, May 20 - First sighting of a northern oriole. Saturday, May 17 - First sighting of a common yellowthroat. Thursday, May 15 - First sighting of a gray catbird. Wednesday, May 14 - First green heron. Sunday, May 11 - Fist ovenbird. Saturday, May 10 - First yellow warbler and first hummingbird (a female). Thursday, May 8 - First white-crowned sparrow and the last sighting of a junco. Wednesday, May 7 - First bobolink seen in my backyard. Saturday, May 3 - First rose-breasted grosbeak. Thursday, May 1 - Last sighting of a white-throated sparrow. Monday, April 21 - First day of my spring break and the house wrens have arrived!! Saturday, April 19 - Swamp sparrows, palm warblers, yellow-rumped warblers, and ruby-crowned kinglets at the rail trail in South Amherst, MA. Wednesday, April 16 - Chipping sparrow on my porch. Tuesday, April 15 - Field sparrows are down in the meadow! Brown thrashers have arrived. Sunday, April 13 - Eastern towhees have arrived. Saturday, April 12 - Yellow-bellied sapsuckers have arrived. Sunday, April 6 - Final sighting of American Tree Sparrows. Friday, April 4 - Oh wonderful day! The PHOEBES and tree swallows are here! Thursday, April 3 - Hear woodcocks singing while I was filling up my birdfeeder this morning. Sunday, March 30 - I just saw a my first great blue heron of the spring flying over my yard. Tuesday, March 25 - First American kestrel of the season on the telephone wires down the road. Sunday, March 23 - Female red-winged blackbirds are here. The songs of red-winged blackbirds and grackles have started to dominate the world outside. Saturday, March 22 - Canada geese are calling in the valley and a turkey vulture just flew over my house. Friday, March 14 - Common Grackles have arrived! Sunday, March 9 - Northern flicker in my yard! Friday, March 7 - Red-winged blackbirds are back! Sunday, March 2 - Vultures are back! Thursday, February 20 - Three male brown-headed cowbirds on my porch. ********************************************************************************** 2013 Arrivals: Friday, May 17 - ANOTHER BIG DAY!! Common yellowthroats, wood thrushes, green herons, and yellow-billed cuckoos are back. I saw/heard 35 species of birds from my porch!! Thursday, May 16 - Great-crested flycatchers are back...and making quite a rukus! Saturday, May 11 - First hummingbird of the seasion! Friday, May 10 - ANOTHER BIG DAY!! Norther orioles, ovenbirds, and catbirds are back! Sunday, May 5 - The yellow warblers have returned! Saturday, May 4 - Northern waterthrush at Barton Cove (Connecticut River, Turners Falls) Friday, May 3 - Male rose-breasted grosbeak at my feeder! Sunday, April 18 - Broad-winged hawk just flew over my house. This was also the last day I saw juncos in my yard. Friday, April 26 - House wrens are here! Sunday, April 21 - A BIG DAY!! Field sparrows, meadowlarks, and towhees have arrived! Friday, April 19 - Brown thrasher singing from the cottonwood tree in my yard! Yellow-bellied sapsucker in the woods to the south of my house. Thursday, April 18 - Chipping sparrows have arrived! Almost exactly to the day as last year. Tuesday, April 15 - Northern flickers are singing in the woods. Tree swallows are flying over the field and checking out the nest boxes. Monday, April 8 - PHOEBES are here!!! They are already checking out the nesting shelf!! Sunday, April 7 - Peepers are singing! Saturday, April 6 - Tree Swallows flying over the lake! Saturday, March 30 - First song sparrow song of the season! It's a beautiful morning and the bluebirds were singing from the cottonwood tree by my porch. Female red-bellied woodpecker here for the first time in months. Friday, March 29 - For the first time this year the bluebirds and robins are a real presence. The bluebirds are singing and looking for nest boxes. The robins are talking to one another, but not singing yet. Saturday, March 23 - American Kestrel just down the road. This is the same day that kestrels appeared last year! Wednesday, March 20 - It's snowing...hard. Tuesday, March 12 - Spotted a great blue heron!! Sunday, March 10 - Killdeer call heard from a blue sky over my porch! Friday, March 8 - Flock of turkey vultures! Saturday, March 2 - First common gracke...on my proch railing! Sunday, February 17 - Female brown-headed cowbird on the porch this morning! Saturday, February 16 - First red-winged blackbird of the year on the porch this morning! ********************************************************************************* 2012 Arrivals: **Due to warm conditions in 2012 American robins were seen in large numbers all "winter." Friday, April 20 - Here's an odd collection: Towhees, Meadowlarks, Water Thrushes and Purple Finches all appeared today. Wednesday, April 18 - House Wrens and Green Herons are back. Tuesday, April 17 - Chipping Sparrows are back. Sunday, April 15 - Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and Field Sparrows are back. Friday, April 6 - Tree swallows and phoebes arrived at my house today!! Tuesday, March 27 - Killdeer are back Friday, March 23 - American kestrels and Great blue herons are back. Wednesday, March 7 - Woodcock in the lower field! NOTE: Turkey vultures have been around, but I'm not sure if they ever really left. Monday, February 20 - Red-winged blackbirds are back. Saturday, February 11 - Common grackles are back. Thursday, February 2 - Brown-headed cowbird on the porch. ********************************************************************************* 2011 Arrivals: Wednesday, May 11 - Field sparrows and northern orioles are back & the phoebe has a nest full of eggs. Tuesday, May 10 - White-crowned sparrows, ruby-throated hummingbirds, eastern towhees, and wood thrushes are back. Sunday, May 8 - Brown thrashers are back. Monday, May 2 - Rose-breasted grosbeaks and common yellowthroats are back. Friday, April 29 - Gray catbirds are back. Thursday, April 28 - House wrens are back. Wednesday, April 27 - Chipping sparrows are back. Tuesday, April 26 - The past few weeks have been cold and cloudy, rarely reaching the mid 50's. Last night there was a very energetic thunder storm and today the temperature hit 80 degrees. Get ready for the flood!! Sunday, April 24 - Meadowlarks are back. Thursday, April 21 - The blackbirds are back in force. Sunday, April 17 - Rain, snow, wind, and cold. Friday, April 15 - Finally something to report. Phoebes are back in my yard! Monday, April 11 - Peepers and Wood Frogs are singing. Saturday, April 9 - Tree Swallows are back. Saturday, March 19 - Brown-headed cowbirds are here. Friday March 11 - Common Grackes are here. Wednesday March 9 - Turkey Vultures are here. Suday, March 6 - Killdeer spotted in Hadley, Mass [thanks to Thom Stratford for writing in!] Saturday March 5 - Red-winged Blackbirds are here. ********************************************************************************* 2010 Arrival Dates: Sunday April 25 - I've been away for a week and things have changed a lot! Phoebes have eggs, Chipping Sparrows have arrived, and towhees are back! Sunday April 11 - Juncos are still here, but white-throated sparrows appear to be gone. Monday April 5 - Flickers and Killdeer are back (also first thunder storm of the year) Sunday April 4 - Brown Thrashers are back (in Amherst Mass) Friday April 2 - Tree swallows and phoebes are back. Thursday April 1 - Peepers are singing Wednesday March 31 - Kestrels are back Tuesday March 30 - Wood ducks are back Sunday March 21 - Hooded Mergansers and Ring-billed Ducks are back Thursday March 11 - Grackles are back Sunday March 7 - Turkey Vultures are back Saturday March 6 - Redwinged Blackbirds are back ********************************************************************************* 2009 Arrival Dates: Saturday, May 16 - Yellow-billed cuckoo, red-eyed vireo, spotted sandpiper, yellowlegs (not sure which one yet), vesper sparrow, bobolink. Saturday, May 9 - First blue-winged warbler, common yellowthroat, ruby-throated hummingbird Saturdya, May 2 - First gray catbird and eastern kingbird Sunday, April 26 - First swamp sparrow, black-and-white warbler, blue-gray gnatcatcher, northern waterthrush Saturday, April 25 - First yellow warbler and field sparrow of the season. Tuesday, April 21 - First Field Sparrow in the morning. Monday, April 20 - First eastern towhee in the rain at dusk. Sunday, April 19 - First common snipe of the season! Also a life bird for me!! Tuesday, April 14 - PHOEBES are here!! I'm home sick today and while sitting at my desk in my office I caught sight of my first phoebe of the year. Hooray!! I also heard my first yellow-bellied sapsucker of the year while out getting the paper. Friday, April 10 - Chipping Sparrow on the porch. I also saw my first House Sparrow of the year (not associated with a fast food restaurant) - a male fighting with bluebirds for possession of a nest box. Wednesday, April 8 - First woodcock of the season. Saturday, April 4 - Tree Swallows are back! Very cold today. Sunday, March 29 - First thunderstorm of the year. Saturday, March 28 - American Kestrels are back! Saw an adult sitting on a phone wire. Saturday, March 21 - Great Blue Herons are back! Also noticed first ring-necked ducks. Sunday, March 15 - Killdeer are back! Saturday, February 28 - Turkey Vultures are back! Tuesday, February 17 - Common Grackles are back! Red-winged blackbirds have been here all winter. |